2017 CISM Results


Women Service Rd 1 Rd2 Rd3 Rd4 Score Place Team Score
Johnson Nicole Navy 76 79 88 82 325 4
Gill Laurel Navy 83 84 75 75 317 3
Vangunten Kaityn Navy 93 90 83 79 345 7 634
Jeffery Linda USAF 75 81 77 79 312 2
Kim Deborah USAF 96 81 83 83 343 5
Griffin Karen USAF 89 90 94 94 367 9 648
Deleon Melanie Army 79 75 74 79 307 1
Snyder Shauna Army 88 85 83 87 343 6
Mitchell Sunny Army 91 91 87 89 358 8 650
Fleck Sonia USMC 98 91 98 96 383 10
Perez Carla USMC 105 98 102 100 405 11
Upward Susan USMC 112 104 114 103 433 12 788
Men Service Rd1 Rd2 Score Place Team Score
Dishman Dalton USAF 76 74 73 70 293 2
Wesolowski Kyle USAF 76 76 75 80 307 6
Broussard Justin USAF 75 79 73 81 308 7
Johnson Brandon USAF 84 70 72 79 305 4
Macias Miguel USAF 78 78 76 72 304 3
Rude Stephan USAF 82 78 72 78 310 8 1507
Hayes Benjamin Navy 71 71 71 72 285 1
Dodson Adam Navy 75 72 84 83 314 14
Halligan Jacob Navy 72 79 82 79 312 13
Mauro Anthony Navy 76 76 76 79 307 5
Pilarski Jacob Navy 82 74 78 90 324 20
Wegener Turner Navy 83 82 74 76 315 15 1518
Holmes Pete Army 78 77 82 75 312 11
Carver Wesley Army 79 78 76 79 312 12
McMillan Timothy Army 80 81 78 77 316 16
Scarboro Austin Army 79 83 80 85 327 23
Allred Ryan Army 84 78 79 83 324 19
Florence Harrison Army 81 82 79 80 322 18 1579
Banks David USMC 83 WD WD WD 24
Jahn Shaun USMC 78 81 77 75 311 9
Oliver John USMC 81 78 73 79 311 10
Garn Garron USMC 81 81 77 81 320 17
Studer Shane USMC 85 80 80 81 326 21
Philips Rob USMC 78 88 82 79 327 22 1593

Team Standings

1st Place       Navy 634
2nd Place USAF 648
3rd Place Army 650
4th Place USMC 788
Scores top 2 of 3    
1st Place USAF 1507
2nd Place Navy 1518
3rd Place Army 1579
4th Place USMC 1593

Scores top 5 of 6


Place Women
1 Deleon + 19
2 Jeffery + 24
3 Gill           + 29

Place Men
1 Hayes - 3
2 Dishman + 5
3 Macias + 16
4 Johnson + 17
5 Mauro + 19
6 Wesolowski  + 19

Top 3 Women/Top 6 Men will represent the U.S. Armed Forces Golf Team Competing at the CISM World Military Golf Championship in Sri Lanka.